1771 Robson St #1364, Vancouver, BC V6G 1C9

Ease your mind

Anxiety Counselling

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What Is Anxiety Counselling?

Anxiety counselling is often one of the best things you can do if you want to ease your mind. Anxiety is a an extremely common and often painful mental health condition that many people live with.

It can show up in many ways such as generalized anxiety, irrational fears, panic attacks, social anxiety and phobias. Anxiety is both a mental and physical reaction to perceived threat. 

There are various ways that anxiety can show up for people, and without treatment, they can result in a panic attack that can be debilitating and frightening.  That’s why it’s good to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and address them either through anxiety counselling or proven coping strategies.

Anxiety symptoms, as described below, all have something in common – the body is in a state of flight. Anxiety happens when the mind mistakes a situation as a physical threat and causes a reaction that is actually designed to physically protect us. This is rarely required in our modern world.

Finding a way to get the whole mind to understand that there is not an actual threat, is the solution – anxiety and panic therapy can help significantly.

anxious girl with her head down as she struggles through her symptoms of anxiety

main types of anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent and excessive worry that can be difficult to manage and significantly impact daily functioning. Individuals with GAD may find themselves worrying incessantly, even in situations where there is no apparent reason for concern. While various factors can contribute to excessive worrying, common areas of focus include financial matters, health, family relationships, and work-related issues. It is important to recognize that excessive worry in GAD extends beyond ordinary concerns, and seeking professional support is crucial for effective management and improved quality of life.

Social anxiety

Social anxiety is an incredibly common phenomenon experienced by many individuals. It is characterized by a persistent and intense fear of being observed, evaluated, and judged by others. This fear can manifest in various situations, such as meeting new people, public speaking, attending job interviews, or even asking questions in class. The distress felt by those with social anxiety disorder is so overwhelming that it often feels beyond their control. In anticipation of social interactions, individuals may experience anxiety and worry for weeks beforehand. As a result, they may start to avoid certain situations that trigger their anxiety and fear. When social anxiety takes hold of your life, it becomes crucial to reach out to a professional for support and guidance.

Panic disorder

Panic attacks can arise abruptly, triggering intense physical sensations despite the absence of any actual danger or threat. This experience can be incredibly frightening, as it may make you feel as though you are losing control. While it is not uncommon for individuals to encounter isolated panic attacks once or twice in their lifetime, recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, accompanied by a persistent fear of future episodes, could indicate the presence of panic disorder. Dealing with panic disorder can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and quality of life. Recognizing that managing panic attacks can be challenging to handle independently, it is important to seek professional support. 


Phobias, a form of anxiety disorder, involve the development of an irrational fear of specific objects, animals, situations, or places. These phobias significantly impact normal functioning and often lead to strong avoidance behaviours. Surprisingly, phobias are more prevalent than one might expect, affecting approximately one in every ten Canadians.

Phobias can arise through various mechanisms, such as a traumatic experience in the past, exposure to media-induced fears (e.g., a fear of sharks after watching a movie), or learned behaviours acquired from observing phobias in parents or other family members. For more information on phobias visit our phobia service page.  

Symptoms of Anxiety and panic Attacks


Butterflies in the tummy


Increased heartrate





Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to a perceived threat. There are various ways that anxiety can show up for people, such as “butterflies” in the stomach, sweating, an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and racing thoughts. A more extreme experience of these symptoms can result in a panic attack. That’s why it’s good to recognise the symptoms and address them either through anxiety counselling or coping mechanisms to prevent it from escalating into a panic attack. Anxiety can also show up as avoidance of something or someone.

These symptoms all have something in common – the body is in a state of flight. Anxiety happens when the mind mistakes a situation as a physical threat and causes a reaction that is actually designed to physically protect us. This is rarely required in our modern world, so finding a way to get the whole mind to understand that there is not an actual threat, is the solution.

How To Treat Anxiety

Many people use self-led anxiety therapy to get relief, like books, holistic therapies such as breath work, yoga, sound therapy, experts on social media, and getting support from friends and family.  Others may turn to medication to support their symptoms, particularly if anxiety is disrupting their life significantly and preventing them from fully experiencing life.

Seeking professional anxiety counselling is an excellent option for individuals looking to receive support and effectively manage their anxiety. It provides a deeper understanding of the root causes behind the anxiety and equips them with practical tools to cope with and overcome it.

Anxiety and panic therapy in vancouver, Bc

How can therapy be effective?

You may be uncertain about the cause of your anxiety in certain situations and seek to identify the trigger. Understanding the reasons behind your anxious feelings can assist you in effectively managing them.

Understanding how anxiety has been affecting you individually can be valuable in finding a way out of it.  This can be done with the help of professional anxiety counselling. 

Professional anxiety counselling can be useful in really understanding your anxiety, but it can also be useful in adopting an individualized plan to cope with it.  This can include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Somatic Therapy and others. There are also alternative methods that can relieve anxiety such as mindfulness and Rapid Resolution Therapy.

Logistics Of Anxiety Counselling

What if I am feeling anxious about starting therapy and it is stopping me from taking that step?

It’s completely normal to feel anxious about starting therapy. Opening up and being vulnerable to a new person can be intimidating and stressful. Understanding the root cause of your anxiety, whether it’s fear of vulnerability, uncertainty about the counselling process, or the fear of being judged, can help you gain perspective and address it more effectively. You have the power to set the pace for therapy, and it’s a collaborative process where you can decide when and how much you want to disclose.

To manage your anxious feelings about therapy, consider scheduling consultations with therapists. Use these sessions to communicate your anxieties and concerns right from the beginning. Look for a therapist who understands your specific concerns and creates a safe and supportive environment. Remember, therapy is a personal choice, and it’s okay to take your time to find the right therapist and begin your healing process. Our counsellors are here to provide you with a comfortable and supportive environment as you embark on your journey of therapy.


What if my anxiety isn’t allowing me to be completely open in therapy?

Our therapists are experienced in working with clients who struggle with anxiety, so it’s crucial to communicate your challenges with being open and vulnerable. Sharing your concerns with your counsellor will allow them to tailor their approach to your specific needs and create a safe space for you. Remember, therapy is not a race, and there is no pressure to be immediately open. It’s essential to go at your own pace and take the time you need. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge the progress you make, no matter how small it may seem. Anxiety is a real struggle, and it’s important to grant yourself permission to take it slow and recognize the steps you’re taking toward growth and healing.

Next Steps

Check out our team of therapists who all have experience and offer anxiety counselling or contact us directly to be matched with someone who is a good fit for you. 

The perfect place to start is booking a free 20-minute phone consultation, to see if you vibe!

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