1771 Robson St #1364, Vancouver, BC V6G 1C9

Sound Healing – Change your Brain Waves Within Minutes

Sound healing is the next big thing in the wellness space. It can make big changes in your nervous system and brain waves!

What is Sound Healing anyway?

Sound healing is rapidly gaining popularity as a powerful tool for emotional and mental well-being. You’ve probably experienced the soothing effects of your favourite song or the way music can shift your mood almost instantly. But did you know that sound can go beyond just making you feel good? 

Feeling rattled? Need to regulate those emotions? Or maybe you’re studying for a test and need help to focus. Sound healing can be a wonderful way to help yourself when your therapist isn’t around!

Sound can actually help alter your brain wave activity in real time, leading to profound changes in your mental state. Sound healing isn’t just about listening to a relaxing or catchy tune; it’s about harnessing the power of sound waves and frequencies to support your healing journey.

Sound Healing - woman playing sound bowls

Types of sound healing

Sound healing has been around for centuries, deeply rooted in Eastern and South Asian cultures, and is now making its way into the Western world. While it may not be considered “evidence-based” by traditional psychological standards, sound healing is a holistic practice designed to complement other therapies you might be exploring, like counselling or other types of health care.

There are a wide variety of sound healing modalities, each offering unique benefits. Here are a few you might find intriguing:

  • Brain Wave Sound Healing

    • There are various brain waves that correspond to our state of mind, whether it be deep sleep, dream state, awake relaxed state, mental focus state, etc. 
    • Sound waves are actually the same – when listening to sound waves of a certain frequency, it can support the brain to sync up with it and change a person’s state of mind
  • Binaural Beats Sound Healing

    • This involves listening to two slightly different frequencies in each ear, which your brain then merges into a single tone. This process can actually alter your brain wave activity, making it a powerful tool for shifting your mental state.
    • Full closed-ear headphones are required for maximum effect (does not work with an open-air speaker)
  • Sound Frequencies

    • Sound is measured in Hertz (Hz), and certain frequencies are believed to influence your mind and body in specific ways. 
    • For example, 432 hz is seen to be a healing frequency, sometimes played around greenhouses to support growing plants; 528 hz is sometimes played to support anxiety relief, DNA repair and manifesting dreams & desires; 712 hz is sometimes played to support intuition and spiritual growth, etc.
  • Eastern Belief Systems

    • In some traditions, specific sounds or musical notes are believed to resonate with different chakra centers in the body, supporting healing in those areas.


Brain waves and sound healing

Are you wondering how brain waves can be influenced through sound healing to enhance your mental health? It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with sound is unique. What resonates with you might not have the same effect on someone else, and that’s expected. The key is to learn how to tune into your body, trust your instincts, and really listen to how your body responds, as you explore different sounds.

Here’s a quick guide to the various brain waves and how you might use sound healing to tap into your potential:

Sound Healing - two women playing sound bowls

Gamma Waves

Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves, active in your brain during high levels of brain function, quick information processing, and complex, simultaneous learning. If you have a deficiency in gamma waves, you might experience learning difficulties.

Listen to Gamma sound waves when:

  • You need to focus on complex problem-solving or studying.
  • You want to enhance memory retention and cognitive function.
  • You aim to heighten awareness during meditation or mindfulness practices.


Beta Waves

Beta waves are active in your brain when you’re in a state of great focus and concentration. These waves are present when your mind is paying attention to detailed mental tasks, stimuli, or even physical tasks.


Listen to Beta sound waves music when:

  • You are trying to study for a test 
  • You are working on an important task at work, with a deadline
  • You are working on a taxing physical project


Alpha Waves

Alpha brain waves occur when your brain is in a state of relaxation, even when your eyes are closed while you’re awake. These waves are active when you’re using your intelligence, analyzing, or even daydreaming and meditating. It’s believed that a high alpha frequency is linked to greater inhibition control.

Listen to Alpha sound waves music when:

  • You feel anxiety 
  • You experience frequent emotional challenges or outbursts
  • You are trying to relax or prepare for something important (like an interview)



Theta Waves

Theta waves are most often active in your brain during sleep, but they can also be present while you’re awake, supporting various functions. You might listen to Theta wave sounds or music when you’re trying to relax, meditate, or prepare for bed. 

These waves are associated with insightfulness, creativity, deep relaxation, learning and memory, deep meditation, and hypnosis. However, an excess of Theta waves can make you feel scattered and unorganized, and cause difficulty concentrating.

Listen to Theta sound waves music when:

  • You are feeling “wired” from a very busy day and there’s lots on your mind
  • You are feeling anxious and need to wind down
  • You are having a hard time getting sleepy in the evenings.
  • You want to unlock a sense of creativity and openness within your mind



Delta Waves

Delta waves are most active in your brain when you’re unconscious or in a deep sleep, typically without dreams. These waves can also occur during deep meditation when you’re not aware of your surroundings. 

If you’re looking to support deep sleep by listening to music throughout the night, you might consider playing delta wave music. However, excessive delta waves during the day are associated with extreme difficulty concentrating, a depressed mood, or symptoms similar to ADHD.

Listen to Delta sound waves music when:

  • If you have had difficulty getting a deeper level of sleep (ie: you have been dreaming in Theta state a lot and not getting that deeper rest)
  • You want to achieve the deepest level of meditation and mental rest

Getting started with sound healing

Sound Healing

Ready to explore sound healing for yourself? Here’s a tip: don’t worry too much about the labels or names of the tracks. Instead, focus on how each sound makes you feel. Your body has an innate wisdom that will guide you toward what it needs.

To start, try searching YouTube or Spotify for terms like “alpha wave relaxation” or “theta wave meditation.” You’ll find countless playlists and tracks to explore. As you listen, pay attention to how your body and mind respond. Some sounds will resonate deeply with you, while others may not. Trust your senses and create a playlist of the tracks that truly support your mental state.


Sample Tracks to Explore

By exploring sound healing through brain waves, you open up a new way to support your mental health. Whether you’re looking to enhance your focus, find calm in chaos, or unlock your creative potential, there’s a sound wave out there for you. Happy listening!

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